(Guillermo Arias/AFP/Getty Images)
Our comments will be brief, since just about everything that is to be said about ending the government shutdown and securing the US southern border already has been said, in print and on tv.
There’s a growing consensus in the Republican party (Newt Gingrich, the National Review, Lindsay Graham, Peggy Noonan) and perhaps beyond) that
- The twin crises are discrediting the US not only abroad but among its own citizens,
- Congress created the crisis by bad immigration laws and inadequate funding of border security,
- A presidential emergency decree, budget re-allocations of questionable propriety, reliance on the courts to decide the legality of such decrees — will protract the crisis and undermine confidence in the existing constitutional order, which assigns legislation to Congress, not the Executive branch,
- Congress should solve the twin crises it itself created by quickly arranging a DACA / border security deal. This would give both Republicans and Democrats two things each party wants badly. The border security measures would include expanded barriers at major crossing points and appropriate technologies elsewhere, more border police and processing officials, more housing for holding border crossers awaiting adjudication rather than releasing them, and expanded courts to expedite admission and expulsion decisions, and
- President Trump should publicly commit to such a border security / Dreamer compromise. In doing so, he will be taking the high road. If the Democrats don’t accept this offer, the onus of a continuing government shutdown, chaos at the border, and the failure to legalize the Dreamers will fall squarely on them.
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