Presidents Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama
Why is it that the US has no anti-ballistic missile (ABM) system ready now, to thwart not only North Korean and Iranian missiles but also Russian and Chinese? The short answer is the Democratic Party and its penchant for arms-control treaties and wishful thinking. Marc Thiessen provides a capsule history of the Democrats’ betrayal.
This 12-minute video clip gives the background of where the country should have gone starting from President Reagan’s speech to the nation and how his correct vision can be realized today. (For those with the time, a longer 58-minute conference presentation on the importance of US space dominance is here.)
One pleasant surprise is that defense spending doesn’t need to be increased to deploy an advanced space-based ABM system — just ruthless redeployment of funds presently being wasted on defense boondoggles. This video, “America’s Broken Defense Budget” (16 minutes) explains the scandal and the role of Congress and major defense contractors in preserving it, contrary to the national interest. Of particular danger to the US is that Chinese military planners don’t have to worry about constituent pressure for keeping bases and local defense contracts but have already deployed funds and technology from the army to advanced space war programs.
Some strategists even question the advisability of taking on North Korea or hoping to unify the peninsula. They base their argument in part on Korean history and its geostrategic location between China and Japan. An additional concern: “A U.S. Attack on North Korea: Could China Retaliate Against Taiwan?”
U.S. Special Forces around their base near the town of Obo, Central African Republic, where they train and deploy against Boko Haram (Michael Christopher Brown—Magnum)
Indeed, there’s growing concern about “America’s Overreliance on Military Intervention” and that special operations are becoming “The New American Way of War.”
US strategists seem to have forgotten that war fighting in the national interest is not endless crusades chasing bad guys around Asia and Africa but rather offshore balancing, a variant of traditional balance of power theory.
This is the key to successfully dealing with Russia: by defensively blocking it from westward movement into central and Baltic Europe while encouraging it to develop its east, Siberia, where its resources and future greatness lie (17-minute video) and its historical mission of blocking Chinese expansion northward.
Click here to go to the previous Founders Broadsheet post (“What should be done about this past year’s wildfire crisis in the Northwest, West, and Southwest?”)
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