Police officer held by protesters
Dec. 31, 2017. It’s the fourth day of spontaneous demonstrations against the Iranian regime for runaway inflation, unemployment, and the waste of the nation’s oil earnings on foreign adventures. Here is an interactive map of events in Iran by locality. Hover over an icon for a news flash appropriate to that location.
The Progressive US press has been late and laughable in its coverage. When CNN and the New York Times‘ chose finally to cover events in Iran, it wasn’t the massive anti-regime demonstrations but a previously scheduled pro-regime event honoring the bloody suppression of the 2009 Green Revolution.
Ted Cruz is calling CNN the Iranian Pravda. CNN has also become the laughingstock of the blogosphere for obsessively focusing coverage, as events unfolded in Iran, on a white truck that purportedly blocked journalists’ view of the President playing golf at Mar-A-Lago.
The New York Times advises Trump to act like President Obama did during the Green Revolution by not broadcasting a word of encouragement to the protesters. Trump is ignoring the Times’ advice and tweeting support.
The Iranian authorities have shut down social media in an attempt to keep the protests from spreading and consolidating. The authorities have been arresting, shooting, and beating demonstrators and their leaders.
hat tips: Eaglebeak and Nicomachus
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