German Chancellor Angela Merkel now a spent force
German Chancellor Merkel seems now to be a spent force after twelve years rule. She even looks like another spent force, Hillary Clinton, in her baggy, ill-fitting pants suits. Her legacy: Brexit, the collapse of centrist parties throughout Europe, the rise of anti-immigration parties of the right, the highest energy prices in Europe, the shutdown of Germany’s nuclear industry, and the rise of coal use —- making a farce of Germany’s promise to reduce CO2 emissions.
Instead of trying to put together an unworkable governing coalition of Greens on the left and the pro-business Free Democratic Party on the right, she could have created a viable center-conservative coalition of Christian Democrats (her party), Christian Socialists, the Free Democrats, and the anti-immigration, politically incorrect Alternative for Germany (AfD). But this would have required her to admit the folly of her anti-carbon energy policy and her unvetted, open-door policy to Muslim immigrants from war zones, some of whom have proved to be hostile to Western cultural values and female rights — and pro-terrorist.
How the Axis of Evil puts Europe at risk
Russia, Iran, Turkey, China, and North Korea are moving ahead with their defacto coalition of autocrats, or less politely, Axis of Evil of dictators, based on the Xi Jinping personality-cult model. Control of Syria is central to their strategy. Putin’s Russia, the mullahs’ Iran, and Erdogan’s Turkey will be meeting tomorrow in Sochi (Russia), following their preparatory foreign ministers’ meeting Sunday in Antalya (Turkey). Putin wants the US out of Syria now that ISIS has been defeated. Iran wants Syria so that it has continuous access from Iran to Hezbollah-dominated Lebanon. Turkey wants the suppression of the Kurds in Syria and can no longer be regarded as a NATO member.
China’s One Belt One Road to dominate Asia, Africa, and Europe
China wants Syria for its One Belt One Road (“Silk Road”) rail and road infrastructure. With Russia controlling Europe’s energy supplies from the East, and the Turkey-Russia-Iran-China axis dominating Mideast energy supplies to Europe, the dictators anticipate turning the EU into a compliant satrap. The fertility of Muslim-immigrant populations in Europe will provide the domestic European adjunct to this subversion.
China is meanwhile moving to become the dominant power in Africa — a Cathay-style Cecil Rhodes. The Chinese plan to supplant Europe’s traditional close economic and cultural ties to Africa. The Chinese are already beginning to set up military bases in Africa, and the Chinese are the major beneficiary of the recent Zimbabwe coup.
President Trump is working to undermine at least one member of the axis. North Korea has just been renamed a state sponsor of terror. US strategy regarding Syria is still undetermined.
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