Most of Syria is Sunni and opposed to Assad’s Alawite Shiite ruling sect, in green here
“After more than nine months in office, President Donald Trump finally has an Iran policy,” veteran journalist Eli Lake reports. The centerpiece: Iran’s Revolutionary Guard will be declared a terrorist organization. This “could create problems for foreign companies seeking to invest in Iran,” Lake continues. But “there is still no formal plan on how to secure Syrian and Iraqi territory after the Islamic State is driven out. ”
Two weeks ago former U.S. ambassador to the U.N., John Bolton, outlined his “Sunni-stan” proposal that would address precisely that shortcoming. He has also presented a plan for exiting former President Obama’s July 2015 Iranian nuclear agreement (the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action — JCPOA).
Andrew McCarthy, the former federal prosecutor in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing case, also provides arguments for the U.S. to exit the JCPOA.
Not to be left on the sidelines, Congress is preparing to shake up Lebanese politics by exposing politicians funded by Iran’s proxy, Hezbollah.
But there’s growing sentiment that Secretary of State Tillerson is not up to the job of representing President Trump’s foreign policy and should depart. Former Fox News talk show host Bill O’Reilly, however, ridicules the major media for Tillerson fake news based on an anonymous source.
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