Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein
As usual the mainstream media are lying today about the implications of Special Counsel Mueller’s indictment yesterday of thirteen Russians for interfering in the 2016 presidential elections. The Washington Post is one of the most flagrant of the lying media. Here are the headlines and subheads of its two front page articles on the subject as of 7:58 a.m. Saturday morning:
Discredit all candidates
Play no favorites
Byron York gets it
Byron York was perhaps the first to report this correct analysis first: here and here.
Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein too
Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein gave a fair-minded news conference on the indictments. The important takeaway from his presentation is that the Russian social media manipulations had no effect on the outcome of the 2016 election.
hat tip: L.C.
Click here for the previous issue of Founders Broadsheet (“Our military and intelligence establishment is not using its tax dollars well”)
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