Joy before the bad news
An article in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal led with this startling report: “After decades of dodging law enforcement and fighting for legalization, U.S. marijuana growers face a new challenge: low prices. From Washington to Colorado, wholesale cannabis prices have tumbled as dozens of states legalized the drug for recreational and medicinal uses, seeding a boom in marijuana production.”
This, of course, is bad news for pot farmers and good news for pot consumers, whether recreational or medicinal.
Or is it?
Here’s a quote from a recent book by a doctor who is on the front lines fighting an epidemic of gastric reflux diseases (GERD and LPR):
100 percent of [tobacco] smokers have acid reflux disease. In other words, if you smoke, you are guaranteed to develop acid reflux disease throughout the length of your aerodigestive tract – from the pharynx in your throat to the lower esophageal sphincter that holds back gastric acid from entering your esophagus from the stomach….
Another kind of smoke is toxic to people with acid damage, and it comes from the Cannabis sativa plant, otherwise known as marijuana….[M]arijuana can never be considered medicinal. In fact, carcinogenic properties in marijuana are more potent than those in tobacco cigarettes, causing an inflammatory effect on the entire aerodigestive tract – mouth, tongue, vocal cords, lungs, esophagus, and even the bladder. Animal studies also show that marijuana use accelerates growth of abnormal cells. A single joint has four times as much tar as a single cigarette…
But not to worry. Taxpayers will pay for the expensive surgery and cancer treatments of the pot and cigarette smokers –if Republicans let Obamacare stand.
Click here to go to the previous Founders Broadsheet post (“Friday’s news (9/1/2017)”)
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