No real difference between Obama and Trump
Columnist Caroline Glick: No real difference between Obama and Trump
President Trump is noisier than his predecessor, but in foreign policy there is “no real difference between Obama and Trump, not in the Middle East and not anywhere,” Mideast columnist Caroline Glick concludes. We urge our readers to study her analysis in full.
Korean unification by agreement…or war
If President Trump were serious about halting North Korea’s nuclear threat, he would be taking several forceful steps to press China to agree to the removal of Kim Jong-un and establish a unified neutral Korea under South Korea’s government (as first spelled out previously in this publication and by former U.S. Ambassador John Bolton).
Prayer at Lhasa’s sacred Jokhang Monastery
The three steps Trump would take if China hesitates in agreeing to a mutually beneficial diplomatic solution are to:
- Encourage the installation of full ABM systems, nuclear weapons programs, and navies among China’s neighbors;
- Ban China’s companies and banks step-by-step from the U.S. dollar settlement system;
- Break through Chinese censorship and brainwashing of its population through expansion of Radio Free Europe-style broadcasts into China using all the country’s languages, including Tibetan and Xinjiang’s Uyghur.
Opponents, overt and covert, to the dollar trading system
The Chinese will attempt to thwart financial measures against it by setting up an alternate payments system with Russia, Iran, and Venezuela: the “petroyuan.”
IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde
The IMF’s Christine Lagarde could regard this as a golden opportunity for trotting out the SDR — packaged perhaps as a cryptocurrency to give the IMF’s shopworn totem a techno sex appeal.
Richard Thaler, a Progressive favorite, wins Nobel Prize in economics
Behavioral economist Richard Thaler
Behavioral economist Richard Thaler has won the Nobel Prize for his important work in behavioral economics. His work is especially favored by Democrats because it can be shoehorned to justify government steering of “irrational” citizens to accept the choices that government technocrats believe will be good for them.
Culture wars
Christopher Columbus
The attack on monuments and Christopher Columbus is really an attack on Western civilization, Townhall writes. Standing behind the attacks is the myth of the Noble Savage.
The Times killed an earlier exposé of Harvey Weinstein
And then there is Harvey Weinstein and the New York Times. It turns out that Weinstein had ten extra years to carry out his ill deeds because the Times killed publication of an earlier investigative journalism
piece on Weinstein.
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