Hurricane Irma is not surprisingly dominating today’s news cycle. Predictably, there are some grumps who argue that humans should have left Florida to the alligators, mosquitoes, and flamingos.
But the worst disasters are human, and for this former U.S. president Obama and present German chancellor Merkel deserve the winner’s circle for the one-two knockout punch they delivered to Syria and Europe:
- Obama delivered the “one” punch by refusing to support the anti-Assad insurgency that was on the point of toppling Syrian dictator Bashar Hafez al-Assad, then ignoring his own “red line” against Assad’s use of chemical warfare, and then inviting Russia’s Putin into Syria. Obama’s actions and inactions prolonged the Syrian civil war, creating a flood of hundreds of thousands of refugees whose ultimate destination was Europe.
- Merkel, backed by the European Union’s bureaucracy, then delivered the “two” punch by mandating that the flood of refugees be forced onto not only Germany but every other European Union member, despite the fact that many of the refugees were hostile to European religion, laws, and the rights of European women.
Alas, Mrs. Merkel has not finished her handiwork. She is now calling for Iran-style nuclear talks to end the North Korean crisis. In other words, she wants to emulate President Obama, who terminated an effective international boycott of Iran that was badly damaging its nuclear ambitions. Instead, he put the mullahs onto a scheduled path to nuclear weapons and gave them billions of dollars for that effort and to finance terrorism. Merkel’s proposal to replicate the same disaster with North Korea will undercut efforts of the U.S. and others to end the North Korean regime.
Meanwhile North Korea’s sponsor –China — which pretends it is the champion of free trade and an open economy, continues to tighten its command economy. Rather than let prices adapt to increased demand, China has decreed that prices must not budge during the upcoming National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival holidays.
One of the non-natural human disasters in the U.S. is Antifa, which not surprisingly turns out to have had its roots in punk rock.
Antifa’s most supportive state, California, hopes to exert greater influence over the Democratic Party by moving its primary date from June to March.
Click here to go to the previous Founders Broadsheet post (“Saturday’s news (9/9/2017)”)
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