by Richard Schulman Joe Biden wanted to be a reincarnation of FDR, but his template was the anti-capitalist FDR of 1933-1937 – when the US was deep in a world depression and suffering unprecedented unemployment. Neither of these exist today. If Biden really wants to recover his reputation, he needs to transform himself into the […]
US and Saudis re-enact Maginot line
by Richard Schulman The US and Saudi Arabia have given new meaning to military operations at the theater level — by running a re-enactment of France’s Maginot Line strategy that led to the fall of France in WWII. US and Saudi Arabian radar and missile defenses were pointed toward Houthi positions to the south. But […]
Iran attack requires a US military response
by Richard Schulman Iran has just committed an act of war against Saudi Arabia and the energy lifeline that keeps the world economy running. The airborne assault was launched either by Iranian forces directly or by proxies it controls who would not have taken such an action without approval at the highest levels of the […]
President’s SOTU provided good summary of past year’s accomplishments
President Trump’s State of the Union (SOTU) address last night provided a good summary of his administration’s many accomplishments in his first year of office. A full transcript of the speech is here. The speech was well received by the viewing public. though not by Congressional Democrats. That said, some problems appeared in the outline of […]