It used to be the case that one could read one or two mainstream daily newspapers and feel reasonably well informed. With the exception of the Wall Street Journal, that is no longer the case. Since 2016, the Washington Post and New York Times have transformed themselves into shrill, often unreliable Democratic Party press outlets.
While it is true that there are many fine smaller publications now available on the web, we find many of these to be either uncritically pro-Trump or even more anti-Trump. This isn’t beneficial for the president, the Republican Party, or the nation. For this reason we believe that there is an honorable place for an independent classical-liberal outlet that provides non-partisan coverage of US and international politics, national security, economics, trade, science, technology, and culture.
We use classical liberalism in the 19th century European sense, by which we mean a constitutional republic founded, as the US was in 1776, on the basis of the natural rights of the individual over the state, free markets, citizen equality under the law, and preference for an international order of sovereign nation-state republics adequately armed against hostile tyrannies.
Richard Schulman, Editor. [Updated 2/21/2020]